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Moshe Monzon-The Wall/타피스트리 [전시품할인] 적립금

() 해외배송 가능

기본 정보
상품명 Moshe Monzon-The Wall/타피스트리 [전시품할인]
제조사 Monzon
원산지 Israel
판매가 ₩3,950,000
적립금 39,500원
수량 수량증가수량감소
상품 옵션

개인결제창을 통한 결제 시 네이버 마일리지 적립 및 사용이 가능합니다.

장바구니 담기 관심상품 등록 추천 메일 보내기 쇼핑 계속하기 바로 구매하기



Moshe Monzon's " Wall "

이스라엘 현대섬유미술작가 Moshe Monzon의 꼴라쥬 타피스트리 오리지널 작품

크기: 126 x 172 cm
재질: 섬유미술


Date of Creation:



126 x 172 cm

Listed By:











Moshe Monzon

Israeli artist Moshe Monzon with some of his work.

Israeli artist Moshe Monzon with some of his work



About the artist / Moshe Monzon


Moshe Monzon, born in Jerusalem in January 1958. Married to Goldie Litmanowicz , father of Adi Rivka (1993).

Graduate of the Shenkar College Of Fashion, Artistic Textile Design and Technology (1982), receiving the Degree Bachelor Of Design (B.A Textiles).

Since then, Moshe has been devoted making tapestries, and his works have been displayed all over the world.

View About the artist album

Moshe Monzon , Israeli, sixth generation from his father side, and from his mother side, Moshe is the 9th generation of Rabbi CHAIM TIRER from Tzernovitz, known as BE'ER MAYIM CHAYIM, who wrote Kaballistic books with Rabbi Joseph Caro, he is buried in a cave in the Old Cementery of Safed .

Moshe has been carrying on his family's artistic tradition in a new and original way. Designing and weaving artistic tapestries in his own unique technique.

The story begins 500 hundred years ago in the City of Monzon, Spain. The family is expelled from Spain by the Inquisition. The family flees, meanders through Europe and finds it's way to Russia where, for generations they live.

In 1830, the great-great grandfather Abraham Leib Monzon leaves Russia, traverses Europe again, and this time, after seven months, arrives in the Land of Israel, astride a horse.

This romantic figure sets up in Jerusalem and becomes a key figure in Jerusalem's Jewish Community and as sign of the respect in which he is held he becomes the Shamash of the Hurvah Synagogue. Years later Sir Moshe Montefiori, rebuild Rachel's Tomb, and Yehuda Bassan the locksmith, made an iron door, that could be open using a very heavy and sophisticated key, Sir Montefiore looked for a brave and strong man, in mind and body, that will be able to walk from the Old City of Jerusalem to Rachel's Tomb, and ,to this job he found Abraham Leib Monzon, giving him the Key and the responsibility of guarding the Holly Place, he received also the seal of Rachel's Tomb for safekeeping . This honour is still in the family's hands to this days. He walked 7 Kilometers every day to fulfill this assignment. All these missions were passed to his son Shimon Monzon, known as Shimon Shamash. His children Abraham Leib II and Moshe Monzon, were very talented in art and didn't want to continue with this assignment. They went to Frankfurt in 1890 to study the art of Lithography , two years later they came back to the Holly Land and opened the first printing press for artistic lithographs, and specifies in illuminating and printing holly books in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem.

Decades later, Moshe Monzon (the great grandson) whose artistic tendencies, brought him to weave and design these magnificient tapestries, continuing with a family tradition of creating art. The joy and enthusiasm that Moshe depicts in all his works are signature to the graceful, elegance that exemplifies the beauty of his tapestries.

Each tapestry is entirely hand-made of synthetic materials. The felt and color fast dyes in 300 colors,are all locally produced in Israel. Employing an exclusive collage/tissage technique, the artist places individual strips of felt atop one another, by hand, processing the tapestry with a special loom. This combination of artistic creativity, skilled craftsmanship and advanced technology results in a colorful, one of a kind, signed artistic masterpiece. The unique tapestries of Moshe Monzon reflect the stately elegance of the Mediterranean landscape and the contemporary sophistication of modern abstract art.

Monzon's original creations reveal the shatering brillliance of the Judean desert, the rich and vivid hues of sunset over the Jerusalem hills, the cool blues of mountain streams and the deep earth tones and verdant foliage of Israel's lush, fertile soil. His designs are at once both classical and contemporary, harmonizing perfectly with any decorating scheme or art collection.

Monzon's tapestries will interest not only art collectors and connoisseurs but also interior decorators. Tapestries may be commissioned in any size, suiting office buildings, banks, Synagogues, schools and other major institutions, as well as galleries and private homes. Unlike other tapestries, the Monzon creations are especially light, flat and versatile and may be bonded to curve surfaces using adhesive materials.

The tapestries come ready to hang with woodstrips. There are not two tapestries alike, each piece is original .


View Exhibitions album

1989 New Art Fair, Jacob Javits Convention Center,
New York USA.

1990 Artexpo NY, Jacob Javits Convention Center,
New York USA.

1990 Goldman Gallery JCC, of Greater Washington Rockville,

1990 Artexpo California Los Angeles Convention Center,

1991 Artexpo NY, Jacob Javits Convention Center,
New York USA.

1991 Soft Walls Gallery, Seoul KOREA.

1991 Benedetti Gallery, Soho, New York USA.

1991 Toronto International Art Fair, Conv.Ctr.
Toronto CANADA.

1992 Tokyo International Art Show, Harumi Conv.Ctr.
Tokyo JAPAN.

1992 The Amdur and Lowe Levinson Art Galleries of
Temple Bet Sholom, Miami,Florida, USA.

1992 Prestige Art Gallery Skokie, Illinois, USA.

1992 London Contemporary Art Gallery, London, England.

1992 Mc Clarens Markowitz Gallery Boulder, CO USA.

1992 Arte International Show, Jacob Javits Convention Center, NY USA.

1992 Artexpo NY Jacob Javits Convention Center, NY USA

1993 Artexpo NY Jacob Javits Convention Center, NY USA

1997 Artexpo NY Jacob Javits Convention Center, NY USA

2000 Artexpo NY Jacob Javits Convention Center, NY USA.

2001 Artexpo NY Jacob Javits Convention Center, NY USA.

2001 InternationaL Art Show, Chicago Illinois, USA.

2002 Artexpo NY Jacob Javits Convention Center, NY USA.

2002 Rockland Arts Festival, Nanuet, NY USA.

2003 The Striar JCC Fireman Campus, Stoughton MA USA.

2003 Celebration Of The Arts, Fairfax VA USA.

2003 Art Festival In Philadelphia, PA. USA.

2003 Arts And Crafts Festival, Atlanta, GA, USA.

2004 Arts And Crafts Show Indianapolis, IN. USA.

2004 Boulder Art Festival, Boulder. CO. USA.

2004 Music And Arts Festival, Dallas, TX USA.

2004 Arts And Crafts Festival, Atlanta, GA. USA.

2004 Arts and Crafts Festival, Chicago, IL. USA.


AWARDS : 2002 First Place in Fiber Arts Mid Rockland Arts Festival



Moshe Monzon

Moshe Monzon was born in Jerusalem, a 6th generation Israeli on his father’s side, and a 9th generation Israeli on his mother’s side. Moshe continues his family’s tradition of creating art. He weaves and designs magnificent tapestries and creates mezuzahs, wall blessings, boxes, and original paintings with meticulously written Hebrew text throughout. Moshe is a graduate of the Shenkar College Of Fashion, Artistic Textile Design and Technology in Israel.

Jewish Gift Place.Long Island, New York



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